Irene said that her neighbour paid $108.00 for it [**my cheap brain started making sounds like 'caching...caching...'] but Irene added that the neighbour is willing to give the ticket for free due to its last-minute notice. The neighbour, who is a senior citizen, is due for surgery and would therefore not be able to make it to the show. I said: "Naaahhh, I will pay for it." I insisted in paying half of the ticket, just to be fair, and darn - I am glad I did...

We were like 3rd row from the front. Excellent seats! The stage is up close and personal (as supposed to the stage ambience at `Royal Alex`or even `Princess of Wales`...

Before and after the show, we had the opportunity to roam around downtown Stratford. Sun was blazing but not toasty hot...summer wind blowing on our face, it was perfect! The City of Stratford sells a bag of corn to people who wanted to feed the ducks and our group purchased three bags...

"Reach for your dream (or food)" as what the mommy Swan below is doing!
Photo of Mommy Swan and 3 babies! "C'mon kids, swim along all the way to the corn!"

We were wondering what kind of species this guy is? "Goose"? ....Nice make up job though...I am envious...

I think if I do not trim my hair soon, it will turn to this!

Thanks to Susan Cheng, a fellow Sultanette, who gave me the idea of this pose!
I was eyeing this Swan and thinking: "What a show off!" [...and I thought I am the only one! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!]

I like more summer and I wish there is 48 hours in a day - but we do what we lets go and Carpe Diem (seize the day!)

I like more summer and I wish there is 48 hours in a day - but we do what we lets go and Carpe Diem (seize the day!)
Till next time!