Every show brings new experience...different ambience...different delight. For me, there is no boring show...may it be in the middle of the Street like the 'Paint the Street' Festival in Islington or in the middle of Nathan Phillips Square early Winter Time (now, that is another story!). But one thing I really love are unconventional shots of people! I love it! Why? I think because it is natural, no inhibitions, no time to pose, just the real person!

Monica here saying 'Yeah, Man!'

Yael and Tamano San showing off their newly painted nails

C'Mon Tamano San and Tina RT, make up time!

Yael trying to sell the filing cabinet! Well, she is from Flight Centre selling flights so what can we expect?

Feelin' Cute Tamano!

Monika is trying to make a deal here with this guy: 'Are you signing up for bellydance class or what?"

Flying kisses for you from Tamano San!

'What the heck am I doin' here?' This is Emilia talking...

'I got to post this picture again!' Just love it!